5 Ways To Prepare Your Visit
pre·pare | (pri-ˈper) | verb
to make ready beforehand for some purpose, use, or activity
to put in a proper state of mind
How to Prepare Yourself & Child(ren)
We understand this is a transition for all parties involved. The information below can help make this process as easy as possible. California Family Visitation Center is here to help prepare your family, walk you through the process, and celebrate with you when your whole family succeeds on the other side.
Proper State of Mind
You may not have visioned yourself to be where you are today. Regardless of the situation, this is where your family is at this particular moment. We help move families through this process and pass through to move forward positively until the judge modifies the court order. To begin with the end in mind is setting the goal to move through our program as smoothly as possible. We encourage you to enjoy the opportunity you've been given with your child(ren), and everything else can fall into place in due time.
Read Our Intake (Regularly)
Why is the intake process so crucial to this program? Those who prepare with the end in mind follow the process and the visitation rules. As an outcome, they will be happier because they can avoid causing potential future problems for themselves that could eventually stunt the growth to moving forward past our program. Our intake form is your answer key, and the ultimate goal is to connect you with your child and move your family forward.
Be On Time
It is absolutely crucial for parents to arrive at their exact scheduled time(s) to each visit.
Keep Children Out of Court Matters
Most children see our center as a "playhouse" or a "homework" center. It is where they come to play, possibly bring their homework, and spend quality time with their parent. Often, children do not fully understand the degree to which they visit the center. We've created a safe and peaceful environment to keep the moment as stress-free as possible and to keep children out of the adult matters of court orders.
Stay Consistent
We hear clearly from children how important it is to see their parents regularly and consistently. Children are usually unaware of what their parents are battling through. No matter how difficult things may appear, it is almost always best for every child to have contact with both parents regularly to grow and build a healthy relationship. Never give up.